
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:52 Hours


Major General Santhusitha Pananwala, Commander Security Forces (East) made his inaugural visit to 22 Div, under command Brigades and Battalions on 10 and 11 Dec 2017. \r\n\r\nOn the arrival to the 22 Division Headquarters, GOC 22 Div Major General Aruna Jayasekara welcomed the Comd SF (E) and accorded with a guard turnout in accordance with military formalities.\r\n\r\nSF Comd delivered a comprehensive lecture beginning with identification of strengths, weaknesses against the opportunities and threats of the Post Conflict Era and stressed the intention of Commander of the Army to discharge duties based on capacity instead of being threat based. Further, he insisted the paramount importance in change, accordance with the environment. Highlighting the vision of “Commitment through Motivation” with key elements of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Concerning the logistic matters, it was highlighted to take measures identifying the priorities with coordination and preparedness and insisted to work in coordination with stakeholders and establishments with a team spirit. Further, the Commander SF (East) urged them to continue their good work while identifying discipline, patience and listening as their strengths to become competent and skilled Officers and soldiers. The Commander requested all the Officers and Other Ranks to refrain from irregularities, malfunctions and wrong practices to ensure the the reputation of the Army is uplifted.\r\n\r\nTroops address, tree planting, and other military formalities included the two day visit. Further, Comd SF (E) called on Chief Incumbent Rangiri Ulpotha temple, Chairman Koneshwaram Kovil, Bishop Trincomalee and GA Trincomalee. \r\n\r\n