
Security Forces Headquarters

11th April 2019 17:00:28 Hours


In tandem with the series of forums organized by the Security Force (East) to foster understanding between civil society and the Army, Major General K P A Jayasekera WWV RSP USP ndc psc, the Commander - Security Forces (East) had a discussion with Muslim religious leaders of Kattankudy area on Tuesday (09) at the Hizbullah hall Kattankudy.

During the discussion, special attention was given on common challenges encountered by the society in Eastern Province such as land issues, illegal activities and widely spreading drug menace that has been badly affected the area and insisted relevant precautions that could be promptly taken to protect the young generation from drug addiction.

The Commander SF (East) emphasized the need to have effective communication between Army and the civil society in overcoming those challenges of the society. In response to the Commander's views, the Muslim religious leaders agreed upon to provide fullest support in this regard and paid their gratitude for the Commander SF (E) for organizing these kinds of forums.

Maulavi M I Adam Lebbe BA, the President of Jamiatul Ulama – Kattankudy and the members, Major General W A K B Udalupola RSP General Officer Commanding 23 Division, and several Senior Officers attended the meeting.