
Security Forces Headquarters

20th December 2018 18:16:47 Hours


The Commander Security Force (East), Major General Aruna Jayasekera, paid field visits to the Headquarters of 3 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment and 16 Battalion of Sri Lanka National Guard in Ampara on Wednesday (19).

The visiting Commander attended the formalities at both locations after being warmly received by the Commanding Officers, Major Dharmasena VIR and Major Buddhika Dissanayake SLNG. Further, he symbolically planted saplings at both venues in memory of his inaugural visits to these formations.

Addressing the troops, Major General Aruna Jayasekera urged them to be determined to perform the assigned duties with dedication and to improve their professionalism through constant training as soldiers of this proud organization. Further, he insisted the need of preserving the image of the Army through maintenance of highest standards of discipline at all levels.

The visiting Commander inspected the administration aspects, operational needs, welfare measures and requirements of the troops and the officers and soldiers had an opportunity to discuss on these matters with the Commander Security Force (East) during these field visits. The Commander left complementary remarks on the visitors' books to culminate the proceedings of the visits.