
Security Forces Headquarters

05th November 2022 19:40:58 Hours


According to an information received by 3 (Volunteer) Military Intelligence Corps, Intelligent troops (attach to 233 Infantry Brigade) together with “Kadiraweli” “Special Task Force” Officials, a person was arrested along with 15g 600mg of “Methamphetamine” Drugs (Ice) (worth of Rs 270000/=) and Rs 34500/= of money, two mobile phones and his Motor cycle at Navaladi area on 03rd November. Suspected persons with illegal drugs and Motorcycle were handed over to the “Valachchenai” police stations for further investigations.

Commander, Security Forces (East) together with General Officer commanding, 23 Infantry Division and Commander of the 233 Infantry Brigades closely monitor above raids and that will uplift the confidence of general public over military.