
Security Forces Headquarters

19th May 2024 11:40:59 Hours

9 VIR Organized a Lunch Treat for Students

Under the guidance of Major General P.A.M Peiris RSP USP psc, the General Officer Commanding, 22 Infantry Division, the troops of 9 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (9 VIR) initiated a program to provide lunch for 300 students at Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Vihara Sri Sumedankara Dhamma School on 12 May 2024.

The financial contribution made by Mr. & Mrs. Isuru Prabath Kumara, residents of Homagama. The chief priest of Seruwila Raja MahaViharaya Venerable Aludeniye Subhodi thero, Senior Officers, Officers, and Other Ranks participated in the event.