
Security Forces Headquarters

27th July 2018 13:32:31 Hours


Troops of the 22 Division recently celebrated their 21st anniversary with a series of events on the directions of General officer Commanding 22 Division, Major General Aruna Jayasekara at 22 Division Headquarters Premises Trincomalee.

A special Asirvada pooja organized at Wijeyangaramaya temple on 22 July 2018 to invoke blessings on all under command soldiers and transfer merits to war heroes who sacrificed their lives to safeguard the integrity of the motherland and those still receiving treatments.

A Colorful Perahera wended its way from 22 Division Museum to the wijeyangaramaya temple premises with the Major General Aruna Jayasekara, carrying the sacred relic casket. It was subsequently placed in the special Mandapaya and respectfully invited members of the Maha sangha to commence the Asirvada pooja all serving staff at the 22 division and other invitees were associated with the event.

The anniversary day military formalities on 23(Monday) on arrival at 22 division headquarters premises Major General Aruna Jayasekara, received a Gourd turnout, presented by 2(v) Gajaba Regiment troops. The GOC was then invited to take the salute by parade commander Lt Col H K J U Jayarathna - Commanding Officer 15 SLLI, of the Army in conformity with military traditions. After military honors, the GOC, accompanied by the parade commander in the company of Colonel Chanaka Meththananda, Col AQ - 22 division, reviewed the parade, presented by representative troops of the 22 division under command battalion.

Another significant addition to the day’s event was the presentations of trophies and certificates to the Champions, Runner up and the Best Platoon Commander in the inter battalion drill competition - 2018.The 1st Place in the drill competition. was won by the 6 SLACO, 2nd place were won by the 22 VIR , and best platoon commander place won by the Captain N S Jayasingha 22 VIR.

After wards, the GOC did not forget to share a couple of thoughts with officers and other ranks who were attending the occasion during refreshments a after the day’s main ceremony finally came to end.

The same evening, the anniversary celebration culminated with a grand musical entertainment, held at the division play ground. A large gathering of senior officers, officers and other ranks saving in the 22 division and joined the evening.