
Security Forces Headquarters

02nd November 2018 17:14:51 Hours


The 15th anniversary programme of Security Force Headquarters (East) assumed greater significance in conformity with military traditions where the Chief Guest, the Commander Security Force (East) Major General Santhusitha Pananwala was accorded with a Guard Turnout at the entrance to the camp premises by troops of 7 Field Engineers. The parade which was accorded in honour of the Commander Security Forces (East) consisted of squads from the under command Battalions of Security Forces (East) and it was commanded by the Commanding Officer 10 Gajaba Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Ruwan Ehelepola. The event was attended by Invitees, General Officer Commanding 22 Division Major General Aruna Jayasekara, Commander FMA (East) Major General Manoj Mudannayake, General Officer Commanding 24 Division Major General Mahinda Mudalige, General Officer Commanding 23 Division Brigadier Kapila Udalupola, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers and the staff of the Headquarters.

Afterwards, the much-awaited moment of significance on the day’s itinerary followed, as the Commander Security Forces (East) addressed the troops where he paid a glowing tribute to the troops to all those who laid down their lives for the Motherland, wounded in action, all those serving in the Security Forces (East) and the ex-servicemen of the Security Forces (East). He also emphasized his vision in achieving the objective of "SFHQ(E) the Strongest" through the path of "Commitment through Motivation". Thereby, the Commander requested the troops to pay their special attention to become a “Capacity Based Security Force” by performing the assigned duties with dedication and by improving their professionalism as soldiers to meet any challenge, any threat at any situation.

In addition, the Commander highlighted the need of being aware of the prevailing situation in the country on the current Post War Scenario. Furthermore, he insisted the soldiers to give priority for Training which is the best welfare anybody could give and requested to get the maximum benefit of the various training courses that are being carried out presently in the SFHQ (East) under his guidance such as Intelligence Courses, Reality Based Self Defence Course, Lifesaving Swimming Course, Computer Courses, English Language Training Courses, Tamil Language Training Courses and the opportunities provided through numerous awareness programmers by partaking various well-known resource personnel of the country. Further, he urged them to continue training and good work while preserving the Army image through maintenance of the highest standards of discipline at all levels to ensure the Security Force Headquarters (East) functions the most effectively and achieve the desired objectives and goals given by the nation.

The 15th Anniversary Day program comprised with a customary all ranks lunch and all ranks tea at the headquarters premises.