
Security Forces Headquarters

16th July 2024 09:25:34 Hours

Troops of 9 SLA Construct New Home for Needy Soldier in Dimbulana

Under the instructions of Major General S.A Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc, Commander of Security Force - East, a new house was constructed by the troops of 9 Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA) for a needy soldier residing in Dimbulana, Sinhapura, Welikanda, with sponsorship provided by Mr. Kanchana Marasinghe. The new house was vested in the beneficiary on 11 July 2024 during a brief ceremony.

Lieutenant Colonel M.I.S Chandrakumara USP psc IG, the Commanding Officer of 9 SLA, took the initiative to complete this house using technical skills and manpower assistance from the troops of 9 SLA.

Major General B.K.G.M.L Rodrigo RSP psc IG, Commander of Security Force - Central and the Colonel Commandant of SLA, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and handed over the house key to the beneficiary at an auspicious time amidst pirith chanting. Towards the end of the housewarming formalities, the beneficiaries were gifted a few home appliances and a stock of dry ration packs.

Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks, and relatives of the beneficiary were also present at the event.