At around the same time Lieutenant Colonel DW Hapuarachchi and Major J Nammuni arranged with the officials of the Dehiwala Zoo to have a lion cup as the Regiment's mascot. Major J Nammuni took special interest in this matter. All expenses relating to the cub were borne by the Regiment while the responsibility of caring for the animal remained with the zoo staff. As the animal had to be trained it was brought to Colombo but and returned to the zoo at the end of each on completion of training. In February 1978, the lion mascot for the first time took part in an Army parade where the first Executive President of Sri Lanka, His Excellency JR Jayewardene, was the Chief Guest. This lion also participated in the Army Search Light Tattoo held that year from 18th to 22nd January and was an attraction for all who witnessed the event.
During this period several changes took place in the country. The introduction of the ‘open economic policy’ instead of the partly ‘closed economic policy’ was the most significant change the country experienced. As a direct result a number of industries mushroomed in and around Colombo. The need for the availability of infrastructure facilities too increased and the Urban Development Authority (UDA) was on the lookout for suitable land in Colombo for the construction of star class hotels and other modern office complexes and the Echelon Square was one of its prime targets. Thus the Battalion occupying the property was required to moved out to be located elsewhere and a Board of Officers were appointed by Army Headquarters to search for a suitable location to establish the Battalion. The board consisted of Colonel Raja Wijesinghe, Sri Lanka Army General Services Corps as its President, while the members were Lieutenant Colonel DW Hapuarachchi the Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion Sinha Regiment and Lieutenant Colonel LC Cabral from the Sri Lanka Engineer Services. On recommendation of the Boaer Veniwelwatta at Ambepussa, a land with an extent of 176 acres, earlier owned by the Obeysekara family from Mirigama was selected. This land had at the time been acquired by the Land Reformation Commission and had been handed over to the SarvodayaMovement. The Government then vested the land with the Army on 2nd May 1978.
The 23rd Anniversary of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment was commemorated at Ambepussa on 1st October 1979 with the holding of an all night pirith chanting ceremony.
Having Veniwelwatta being vested with the Regiment, the task of designing and landscaping was entrusted to a private company. An eminent architect of Design Group Five, Mr Ashley de Vos designed the layout and the building complex in accordance with the requirements of the Regiment which were explained to the architect by the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel DW Hapuarachchi.
The parade ground became the centrepiece surrounded by two company blocks on each of the three sides and the Battalion Headquarters on the fourth side on a hillock overlooking it. The Corporals' Club, men's' cookhouse, mess and canteen were housed in a building slightly away from the main complex. The Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess was by the side of the pond and the Officers' Mess was located quite a distance away from all other buildings. Moreover, the plan provided for a guard room, stores, central stores, swimming pool and other sundry buildings. The land was levelled by the Field Engineers of the Sri Lanka Army and the construction was entrusted to Tissa Builders, Mirigama.
At the auspicious time of 0500 hrs on 4th April 1980 the first sod was ceremonially cut. When construction commenced, the priority was given to the other ranks kitchen, mess, Corporals' Club, canteen and company buildings followed by the Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Mess, Battalion Headquarters and the Officers' Mess.
On 19th May 1980 at the auspicious time of 1011 hrs, after the observing of religious and traditional rituals the foundation stones were laid by Lieutenant Colonel DW Hapuarachchi; the Commanding Officer, 2nd Lieutenant Aruna Jayatilleke; the junior-most officer at the time, Warrant Officer I HG Samarasinghe; the Regimental Sergeant Major, Rifleman Edirisinghe; the junior-most soldier, and Mr. Tissa Weerasinghe of the construction firm. With the blessings of Brigadier RD Jayatilleka, the first Commanding Officer of the Regiment, the metal badges of rank worn by him and other appropriate items of his military accoutrements were placed in the chamber of the foundation stone.
On 1st October 1980, the Anniversary of the Regiment, the foundation stone for the Battalion Headquarters was laid by Brigadier RD Jayatilleka MBE. Major General JED Perera; the Commander of the Army, Brigadier SB Miyanadeniya, Colonel PDPN Seneviratne, Lieutenant Colonel DW Hapuarachchi, Lieutenant Colonel S Wickramasinghe and Mr. Ashley de Vos the architect were also present.

Brigadier RD Jayatilake (retd) the first Commanding Officer of the Battalion being presented the Guard Turn-out

Brigadier RD Jayatilake (retd) with the Commander ofthe Army Major General JED Perera and the Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion Sinha Regiment Lieutenant Colonel DWHapuarachchi
The Echelon Square Camp and the Fort Police Station were separated only by a short brick wall. On 20thJanuary 1981, an incident that had taken place between the soldiers and the policemen developed into a clash and tear gas canisters had been fired into the area housing the soldiers. Soon after the episode, on an order by Army Headquarters, most of the personnel stationed at Echelon Square were sent on compulsory leave and the buildings were locked up and sealed. The Camp was sealed within 6 hours and routine guard-duty of the camp was entrusted to the 1st Regiment Sri Lanka Armoured Corps. The decision caused displeasure among officers and men of the Battalion as it was common belief that such an order was made due to suspicion of the loyalty on the part of the troops towards the then government. All this affected the morale of the troops.
Having vacated the Echelon Square, the Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel DW Hapuarachchi conducted the activities of the Battalion from the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps located at the Race Course, Colombo. He encouraged the troops to work towards completing the construction of one the buildings that was coming up at Ambepussa. The hard work paid off when at an auspicious time on 5th February 1981, following traditional and cultural rituals, the building was ceremonially opened.
During this time, a Company of the Battalion commanded byMajor WAA De Silva was deployed in Velvettithurai, Jaffna and the officers and other ranks not on compulsory leave performed routine duties effectively amidst many difficulties.