Commander of the Army Major General AM Muttukumaru
accepting the Salute at the Passing Out Parade

Recruit Subramaniam S receiving the
award for the Best All-Round Soldier
Major VG George returned to his parent Battalion and left the Army in 1957. Major LHD de Silva having commanded 'B' Company later rejoined the 1st Battalion Ceylon Light Infantry. He was succeeded by Captain CAB Ratnayake who subsequently retired from Sri Lanka Army as a Col.
The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by the pioneering officers and other ranks soon saw the Battalion reach a high level of proficiency. The Battalion also stood apart from other battalions in regard to the colour of its metal accoutrements, its drill and marching speed.
The second intake of 150 recruits was taken in March 1957. The Passing Out Parade of this batch which was fixed for 22nd July 1957 had to be cancelled as many of them had been hospitalized hit to a wave of viral fever.
Towards the end of March 1957, Major FB de S Sri Ananda from the 1st Battalion CLI was posted to the Battalion as the Command Element for 'C' Company. Lieutenant EG Thevanayagam took over the responsibilities as the Adjutant relieving the then Adjutant Captain Sally to proceed on a course overseas. 2nd Lieutenant PGSP Dahanayake reported to the Battalion on 25th July 1957. In the same year in June, 116 men were recruited to the Battalion increasing the strength to form the Headquarter Company and 4 Rifle companies, with equitable distribution of officers and men among all Companies of the Battalion.
On 1st October 1957 was a special day for the Battalion. The first anniversary was celebrated on a grand scale with the holding of a parade, an inter company sports meet and a Guest Night at the Officers' Mess Diyatalawa. Major General AM Muttukumaru, the Commander of the Army graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The 'B' Company won the championship at the sports meet.

Mrs. AM Mutukumaru the wife of Major General AM Muttukumaru presenting awards Recruit Subramaniam S receiving the award for the Best All-Round Soldier
In 1957, a Signal Platoon was established of which Lieutenant DA Wickramasinghe was appointed as the first Regimental Signal Officer (RSO). Subsequently, he followed training at the 'Cattervick' Royal Army Signal Training School in the United Kingdom thus is recorded as the first officer of the Ceylon Sinha Regiment to follow a course overseas. In the same year a Motor Transport Platoon was established and Captain W Uyangoda was appointed as the Motor Transport Officer (MTO). The standard of the transport section improved immensely which resulted in the Regiment winning Inter Regimental Transport Competitions.
Although permanently based in Diyatalawa during its first year of existence on many occasions troops were deployed to various other locations for temporary duties. The accommodation facilities available at Diyatalawa were rather basic. Apart from a very few buildings all other buildings that accommodated personnel were constructed off zinc sheets and no water sealed toilets were available, thunder boxes being in vogue. However, facilities for games, training and parading were excellent.
On 10th October 1957, the first Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of the Battalion, Warrant Officer I Maduranayagam was posted back to the 1st Battalion CLI on being commissioned and promoted as Lieutenant (QM) of that Battalion.
The same year, in November Major SDD Samarasinghe from 1st Battalion CLI joined the Battalion to be the first Second in Command of the Battalion. This Officer being proficient in tactics trained the Battalion in elementary tactics and battle craft. The presence of an Infantry Adviser from the British Army, Captain AG Ingram of the CLI helped in training the troops.
In January 1958, 2nd Lieutenant DW Hapuarachchi, 2nd Lieutenant M Kandiah, and 2nd Lieutenant GW Upasiri de Silva joined the Regiment having completed their Officer Cadet Training at Mon's Officer Cadet Training School, UK. Subsequently, after a small spell in the Battalion 2nd Lieutenant GW Upasiri de Silva was transferred to Ceylon Ordnance Corps.