The Battalion Headquarters was shifted back to Ambepussa on 20th July 1983 from Kandy
On 23rd July 1983, an officer and 13 soldiers from Sri Lanka Light Infantry were killed in Jaffna by separatist terrorists. The incident sent shock waves across the country and within the Sinhalese community, it built up anger towards the Tamil community. The corpses of the dead were not handed over to the relatives but were buried in the General Cemetery in Borella, Colombo. A large number of people converged to witness the funeral proceedings and at this point the anger that had so far been boiling inside many exploded. Tamils in the southern parts of the Island were targeted resulting in wanton harassment, murder, and destruction of property at the hands of violent Sinhalese mobs. This, to this day is referred to as 'Black July'. The Government ordered the deployment of the Army to maintain law and order and the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment troops were deployed in Kurunegala, Kegalle, Kandy, Kalutara, and Panadura areas.
On 30th September 1983 a Company was sent to Batticaloa for operational duties.
Commencing on 17th June 1984, troops underwent battalion training at the Combat Training School Ampara on completion of which were deployed on operational duties in the Jaffna Peninsula. Between the period between 2nd and 12th August 1984, the Battalion Headquarters and all Companies of the Sinha Regiment in Jaffna were relieved by troops from other regiments.
On 17th March 1985 the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel TRT Jayatunga relinquished his duties and was followed by Lieutenant Colonel GP Kulatunge taking over as the Commanding Officer on 18th March 1985.
30th August 1985 saw the ceremonial opening of the Officers' Mess at Ambepussa.
On 19th September 1985 the foundation stone was laid to construct a Budumedura (a Buddhist shrine).
The newly constructed Guard Room at Ambepussa was declared opened on 26th September 1985.
On 13thJune 1986 the Battalion Headquarters was relocated to Ambepussa from the Jaffna Fort while four companies of the Battalion were stationed at Elephant-Pass, Pooneryn, Kankasanthurei, and Nawatkuli.
On 12th September 1986 Major BBS Mendis and 128 other ranks attacked terrorist camps in the vicinity of the Thalladi Army Camp in Mannar. In this attack, terrorist named Victor; who previously had led the attack on the Sri Maha Bodhi, along with another 65 terrorists were killed.
On the same day Lieutenant Ajith Chandrasiri and S/32404 Rifleman Bandara KWMAW were taken into custody by the LTTE and became thus became the first 'Prisoners of War' relating to the ongoing armed conflict.
Lieutenant Colonel GP Kulatunge, on 2nd December 1986 relinquished duties as the Commanding Officer and was flowed by Lieutenant Colonel J Nammuni taking over duties as the new Commanding Officer on 3rd December 1986.

Lieutenant Colonel GP Kulathunga being presented with the Guard Turn-out

Lieutenant Colonel J Nammuni inspecting construction work of the Buddhist Shrine at the Ambepussa Camp