To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.
1 | Number of Pennenent Houses Constructed | 815 |
2 | Construction of Hospitals | 15 |
3 | Number of Bicycles distributed to students | 1,113 |
4 | Number of Scholarships awarded | 1,321 |
5 | Number of Students received stationeries | 11,810 |
6 | Number of Toilets constructed | 900 |
7 | Number of Wheelchairs distributed | 98 |
8 | Number of Artificial limbs distributed | 95 |
9 | Number of Spectacles distributed | 4,890 |
10 | Number of Dry Ration packs distributed | 17,434 |
11 | Number of Medical camps conducted | 63 |
12 | Number of Army Personnel who donated Blood (Pint of Blood) | 4,182 |
10th May 2020 11:21:15 Hours
24th December 2019 12:00:29 Hours
24th December 2019 11:41:14 Hours
Awareness workshop to educate the troops under Command Security Forces Jaffna including Divisions, Brigades, Battalions and Training schools enhance the knowledge on gardening of fruits, vegetables, flowers in the Camps were held during 6th and 7th November 2019 at the Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna.
04th October 2019 11:36:27 Hours
Troops belong to 4 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment of 523 Brigade deployed under Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna, Conducted a Shramadana Campaign to Clean and Clear the Surrounding of Base Hospital at Chavakachcheri on 07 September 2019.
04th October 2019 11:34:57 Hours
Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna Organized 'Palmyra Ingenuity - 2019', an innovation with the view of transforming Imagination in to innovation, for the fourth Consecutive year under the guidance of Commander Security Forces - Jaffna, Major General Ruwan Wanigasooriya. The exhibition was held on 05th and 06th September 2019 at the Weerasingham Hall, Jaffna and it was opened to the public.
04th October 2019 11:30:24 Hours
Ceremonies were organized to donate Laptops to Sri Narada Vidyalaya and Putur Madihe Pagnasiha Vidyalaya on 05 September 2019 upon the directions of the Commander Security Forces - Jaffna , Major General Ruwan Wanigasooriya. A number of six laptops which were donated by 'Damma deepa' Foundation of Sri Narada Buddhist Center-Colombo 07, were distributed among two schools during the ceremony.