
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

02nd September 2019 12:38:41 Hours


The newly appointed Commander of the Army, Lt Gen Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc, was felicitated by the Gajaba Regiment on 31 August , 2019 at the Home of Gajaba Saliyapura, Anuradhapura to congratulate one of its proud sons who brought glory and pride to his own regiment by rendering a commendable and exemplarily service to the Nation over more than 36 years.

After assuming his most deserved new office as the Commander of the Army he made his first visit to “Home of Gajaba" on this Saturday morning and he was warmly welcomed by the Regimental Centre Commandant Col Mahinda Rajapaksha RWP RSP USP. Then the array of day’s programme was commenced by greeting the new Commander of the Army at a “Guard Turnout”, then went on to pay his utmost tribute to the “Father of the Gajaba Regiment”, late Maj Gen Vijaya Wimalaratne, who was also his role model by placing a floral wreath at his statute.

Thereafter, he was invited to accept the salute at a colorful military parade commanded by Brig LPKC Wijetunge at the parade ground which was the pinnacle of all ceremonies. The Commander of the Army also did not forget to address the mammoth gathering including former Colonels of the Regiment, Council Members, Centre Commandant, number of retired and serving officers, retired and serving Regimental Sergeant Majors and other ranks. He was truly humbled as an officer and a gentleman to pay his sincere gratitude to those who helped, guided and molded him during his span of career and those who worked hard in various capacities to bring up the Gajaba Regiment to today’s excellent standard. Furthermore, he added his thankfulness to all officers and men who worked under him specially during the Humanitarian Operation (Wanni) which was planned and conducted to liberate the country from cruel clutches of LTTE.

The proud invention of the Gajaba Regiment, newly appointed Commander of the Army added memories to his visit at his Mother Regiment by planting a sapling in front of the office complex leaving an indelible gesture. Few minutes later, Commander of the Army attended for a group photograph and all ranks tea party as the climax of day’s programme.