
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

25th August 2019 22:17:54 Hours


Gajaba Supercross 2019, the motor sports event patronaged by the Gajaba Regiment of the Sri Lanka Army collaboration with the Sri Lanka Auto Sport Drivers Association (SLADA) is scheduled to be raced off on 01st September 2019 at the motocross and racing track, Home of the Gajaba, Saliyapura, Anuradhapura.

Major General Nirmal Dharmartne WWV RWP RSP ndu psc, presided the media briefing held at Regimental center Officers' mess SLEME, Malay Street, Colombo on Wednesday (22) Evening August 2019 and emphasized that the Gajaba Supercross 2019 will serve the noble cause of raising funds for the enhancement of much needed infrastructure facilities at the regimental Center and to improve the well being of the Officers / Other ranks of the Regiment, particularly focusing on differently abled Officers and families of Officers / Soldiers who were sacrificed their lives during the war period to the mother land. Further promote Motor Sports in Sri Lanka and also in the North Central Province in particular, to provide opportunities for new generation to showcase their talents. Major General Nirmal Dharmartne also humbled to pay his tribute to late Major General Gamini Gunasekara then Commandant of the Sri Lanka Military Academy for introducing Motocross in Sri Lanka back in 1993 in Diyatalawa, and also for initiatives has paved the way to race of the Gajaba Supercross in the year 1999 at Saliyapura. futher paid his gratitude to Mr. Hans Ralf Karpinsky for designing the unique and the challenging track at Saliyapura.The present Commander of the Army Lt Gen Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc and Major General Chagie Gallage (Rtd) pioneered the work to make it a reality.

The Gajaba Supercross has come leaps and bounds in the last few years and considered as the most attactive event in motor racing calendar in Sri lanka, giving thrilling experiences and spectators are gathered in numbers in every year to catch the glimpse of ace drivers and riders. Over 200 outstanding Motor car and Motor cycle competitors all over the Island will showcase their talents during the 24 events organized infront of large number of participants, electronic media personal and representatives of key sponsors of the year 2019. Senior council members of the Gajaba Regiment, Major General Nirmal Dharmaratne, Major General Rasika Fernando, Mr. Rizvi Farouk president of Sri Lanka Autosports Drivers Association, Colonel Mahinda Rajapaksha Center Commandant Gajaba Regiment and Senior Officers of the Gajba Regiment, Other Officials, also presented at the occasion. Mr. Raveen Fernando - Avian Motors, Mr. ABN Chandrasiri - MAGA Engineering, Mr. Jagath Samarasekara - IDEAL Wheel & Tyres, Mr. Romendra Frenando - Sri Lanka Insurence, Mr. Prasanna Wijersthne - VSIS, Mr. Nimal Rathnayke - Lanka Hospital, Mr. Asoka Prasad - ABC Network ( Hiru FM / Shaa FM), Mr Kumara Samarasinghe - Singer Lanka PLC, Mrs. Ramzeena Morseth Lye - Hutch, Mr. Supun Chandrarathne - WURTH, Mrs. PPM Wijesekara - BOC , Mrs. Nimkar - Lanka IOC also attended the press briefing and Colonel Mahinda Rajapaksha gave his sincere gratitude during in his speech for expanding their helping hands to make Gajaba Supercross 2019 outstanding.

The 18th edition of the event is hosted by the Air Voice International (PVT ) Ltd as the main sponsor at the esteemed invitation of the Commander of the Army and Colonel of the Regiment,the Gajaba Regiment Lt Gen Shavendra Silva. CEAT, Avian Motors, MAGA Engineering, IDEAL Wheels & Tyers,Sri Lanka Insurance, VSIS, Lanka Hospital, ABC Network, Singer Sri Lanka PLC, Hutch, BOC , Lanka IOC, will hold hands providing financial assistance as the co - sponsors.There are several other special sponsors who are willingly extended their generous sponsorships to make the event a success. Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, Channel Eye and Vijaya News Paper will be the media partners for the event.