
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

11th July 2020 08:23:54 Hours


The Centre Commandant Brigader Mahinda Rajapaksha RWP RSP USP visited the DSCSC refresher course students of Gajaba Regiment at 1 GR rear Headquarters - Devahuwa on 22 April 2020.During the visit Commandant highlighted the Importance of qualifying psc for officer carrier.

Further, it’s emphasized that , last year results were not expected by all senior officers of the Regiment. The exam who are attending in second time, Commandant mentioned ‘Success is hopping from failure to failure’ and advised to never to optimize goals and never leave things hanging. Always must try to aspire for completion of goals.

Moreover, going through the submission of students he advised to improve more.

Further, he expressed that psc selection exam is a very competitive exam and all officers to put maximum effort, by going through the progress of the course conducted for the past 2-3 months. He advised officers who need to be put maximum effort on studies and instructed the DS officers to give more concern to the officers who are lacking behind with the subject knowledge. On way back, he visited Yakalla Coconut cultivation belongs to 3 GR and instructed to maintain and uplift the cultivation.

The Deputy Centre Commandant, General Staff Officer 1 (ops/trg) also we’re accompanied for the visit.