
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

02nd May 2024 22:51:13 Hours


The Centre Commandant Brigadier Aruna Wijekoon USP ndc visited 20 GR on 01 May 2024. On arrival to the Headquarters 20 GR, the Centre Commandant was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer Major Neel Waduge RWP RSP USP and honoured with a customary guard turn out and that was followed by planting a sapling marking his visit to the Battalion.

Thereafter, the Commanding Officers' briefing was conducted, a host of issues came up for discussion, including matters pertaining to operational, admin aspects, issues of weapons, strength of the battalion and welfare matters of the officers and soldiers.

After that, he inspected the camp premises and instructed to the Commanding Officer to uplift the infrastructure facilities and living standard of the soldiers.

Later, during his troops address Centre Commandant emphasized the requirement of maintaining high standard of discipline, conduct and behavior of the officers and soldiers and he further highlighted the illegal activities and drug addiction of some military members and requirement of avoiding such disgraceful behavior of military personnel.

The visit was culminated with the cordial interaction with all the Officers of the battalion at the Officers’ Mess.

The Staff officer 2 (Logistics), Staff officer 2 (Welfare) and Regimental Sergeant Major accompanied the visit.