
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

03rd August 2020 13:24:56 Hours


The Centre Commandant Brigadier Mahinda Rajapaksha RWP RSP USP visited 16 GR, on 31 July 2020. On arrival to the 16GR, the Centre Commandant warmly received by the Commanding Officer Lt Col Sujith Rajamanthri RSP USP and gave a customary guard turn out.

After, the Commanding Officers' briefing, a host of issues came up for discussion, including matters pertaining to operational, admin aspects, issues of weapons, strength of the battalion and welfare matters of the officers and soldiers.

Moreover, commandant emphasised the prevailing COVID 19 situation in the country. He not missed to thanks to all troops for their sacrifices and dedicated contribution to eradicated ongoing local and global fight against this deadly virus from the mother Land. Further, he extends more instruction to commanding officer and officers to take strict actions against the drugs users and persons who put unwanted pictures, videos to the Facebook.

During the visit Commandant patronage to opened a newly constructed Infantry logo board in front of the camp.

Further, he inspected camp premises and instructed to Commanding Officer to uplifted the infrastructures facilities and living standards of the soldiers’. He gave most valuable ideas to make camp premises security and beauty.

Specially, discipline of the soldiers and drug addiction, using of mobile phones were highlighted in the course of his speech. He precise more, on best examples on drugs addiction personel and unwanted pictures, videos put to the Facebook and strict actions against them in recent past of the Army.

Later, he was spelt out and appreciated troops on their sacrificed of the betterment to the Gajaba Regiment. Further, advised strike a balance between military and family life and also battalion standards better.

The Staff Officers of the Regimental Centre and Regimental Sargent Major also participated for the visit.

The days programmes were conducted adhering of health safety guidance.