
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

23rd January 2018 15:11:50 Hours


It is Occasion of Great significance in many ways the newly constructed Makara Thorana ceremonially opened by the Comdt of the Regimental Centre Brig WMJRK Senarathne on 14th March 2015 at Gajaba Regimental Centre.\r\nIt is customary for the newly passed out Recruits to march out the parade ground through the ceremonial arch largely owing to the common belief that to begin with their maiden step through this arch would invoke blessings over all their future endeavors.\r\nThus the concept of ceremonial arch is well depicted by the two dragons placed either side. The fire in the mouth of the dragon destroys the evil spirits. The sun and the moon, the two powerful forces of nature stand for eternity and prosperity of the nation. The protective gods appear on the left and right sides of the arch and the lion seated in hind legs is a symbol of Sri Lankan nation.\r\nAt the top of the ceremonial arch is the national emblem of the democratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka which means from now onwards safeguarding the sovereignty of our motherland will be the highest priority of these gentleman.\r\nThe newly passed out Recruits who march through the ceremonial arch are leaving their alma mater with the pledge to serve the country preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignty.\r\nThey march to the rhythm of the music \"Auld Lang Syne\" a Scottish tune which means \"Old days gone by\" a sort of temporary good bye to their Alma Mater, the Gajaba Regiment which molded, guided, taught and corrected them to be a Egotist Recruit to serve and protect the motherland in times of war and peace.\r\n