
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

23rd June 2023 11:22:36 Hours


HQ BN GR Troops bade farewell to the outgoing Commanding Officer Major Lalith Rathnayake in a formal ceremony in accordance with military traditions on Wednesday (20 June ) at the HQBN GR camp premises.

On arrival, the outgoing Commanding Officer was warm heartedly welcomed by the Battalion Second in Command and invited to unveil the opening plaque of the newly constructed Main Gate and then he was honoured with a Guard Turnout and afterwhile he was saluted in a colorful ceremonial parade at the Battalion parade ground. During his formal address to the troops he thanked all the members of the Battalion for their generous assistance and support extended to him during his tenure as the Commanding Officer of HQBN GR.

Thereafter, he was invited to unveil the opening plaque of the RSM residence and later he placed his signature in an official document signifying the handing over of his duties at his office.

Afterwhile, adding memories to the day, he was invited to pose for a few photographs with the Office Staff of the Battalion before he interacted with the troops during a formal All Rank tea.

At the end of the day's series of events a formal farewell dinner was hosted in honour of the outgoing Commanding Officer at the Officers’ Mess and before he make his departure, he penned a few complimentary notes in the Visitors’ Book.