
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength



In late 80's the necessity of increasing infantry battalions emerged in countering the insurgency and maintaining the integrity of the country. With the development of the Sri Lankan Army, 4th member of the Gajaba family was raised on 17 August 1987 as per the army order 24/87 which was published on 15 August 1987. The Initially the battalion was located at Siddapura, Punani in Batticaloa District. By hoisting of the battalionflag,the 1st Commanding Officer Lt Col N Rathnayake has established the 4th battalion the Gajaba Regiment. To establish this battalion 13 officers and 362 OR’s from the 1st battalion and 11 officers and 365 OR’s from the 3rd battalion were posted to the 4th battalion.When nominating key appointment holders of the battalion under mentioned officers and other rankers were fortunate enough to record its first as the second in command Maj UBL Fernando RSP psc, as the Adjutant Capt KU Fernando, as the Regiment Sergeant Major S/75059 WO II Boyagoda EMU.

Initiallythe 4th battalion the Gajaba Regiment had a AOR in Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee Districts. In 06 January 1989 Twocompanies of this bn was deployed at Polonnaruwa, othercompany was deployed Trincomalee and a detachment was located in “Cod Bay” Trincomalee in order to meet the requirement of infantry regiments for operational duties. In 06 May 1989 the battalion was shifted to the Wehera Army camp Kurunegala in order to pin down the insurgent activities in Sothern Province. In December 1989 Troops were again shifted to the operational duties in Wanni AOR.The battalion Headquarter was located at Saliyapura Anuradhapura. These troops subsequently returned to Saliyapura camp after accomplishing the assigned duties. On 16th August 1990 the battalion was re located at Jaffna District in order to fill the vacuum of troops for the operational duties. After a brutal attack from the LTTE the Battalion was Fall back to Wanni in 26th November 1991. From 26 November 1991 to 03 December 1991 again the battalion was shifted to the Batticaloa in order to participate in the operation “Watarawma”, “Akalwessa” and “Kandegedar”. After accomplishment of the missions the battalion was located near Barron’s Cap. While preforming duties at Barron’s Cap, the 1st Battalion the Gajaba Regiment met with an attack at Parayanakulam. The 4th battalion was shifted in order to reinforce the 1st battalion. The battalion supported more than 15 major operations to eradicate the brutal terrorism till the end of Humanitarian Operation.

The 4th Battalion the Gajaba Regiment was able to shine victoriously in the battlefield due to their commitment and continuous training in keeping with the motto, "Unity is Strength".After the end of Humanitarian Operation, Mechanized Infantry Regiment was established on 04th February 2007.The three elite battalions namely 3rd Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry, 10th Battalion Sri Lanka Singha Regiment and 04th Battalion the Gajaba Regiment were selected for the new Regiment and converted successively into 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

After formally absorbing 4th Battalion from the Battalion list of the Gajaba Regiment. The re - designation of the 4th battalion after nearly 15 years was authorized by the Commander of the Army Lieutenant General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP nduin a special Army Order (ARO 38/2022) on 23rd November 2022 having suppressed the junior most regular battalion,24th Battalion of the Gajaba Regiment which was inaugurated according to the instruction of ARO 86/2009 of Sri Lankan Army on the 18th October 2009 as a new member to the Gajaba family at Regimental headquarters Saliyapura Anuradhapura. With the aim of strengthening the military force and to take up the responsibility of rehabilitation and relocation of the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim victims who were internally displaced and evacuated by the humanitarian operations conducted in the North and Eastern regions by Sri Lankan Armed forces, which establish at general area Madhu, MANNAR.

The Army Chief Lieutenant General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP nduwho also served as the Adjutant in the 4thbattalion during 1993-1994 added more significance to induction of the re-designation by awarding the customary flag symbolically to the 1st Commanding Officer, O/65329 Maj WMAUK Weerasinghe of the re-designated4th Battalion on 20th January 2023.


  • Operation “Akal Wessa” – JVP interaction from 25th April 1988 to29 April 1988.
  • Operation “Thrividha Balaya” – from 15 August 1990 to 15 October 1990 Rescue the Army troops and police officers who were encircled to Jaffna Fort.
  • Operation “Jayashakthi” - launched on 16th October 1990 as a result of which the stretch from Palali to KKS was cleared of all LTTE activity
  • Operation “Sea Breeze” – On 28March 1991LTTE was surprised by capturing 1500m in 15munits at general area Keeramale.
  • Operation “Balawegaya” - from 14 March 1991 to 29 August 1991 Rescue the Army troops who are encircled to Elephant Pass.
  • Operation “Akunu Pahara” -On 24 August 1991 the Battalion arrived at Welioya to engage in 'Operation Akunu Pahara'. The operation continued to for a period of one month
  • Operation “Jayamaga”- – On 22 April 1995 LTTE was surprised by capturing general area Tharavikulam.
  • Operation “Edibala” - On 12 March 1997 LTTE was surprised by capturing at general areas Kannaddy, Kanesapuram, Periathampanai, Pandivirichan, Maduroad and Poovilunthan.
  • Operation “Kinihira I, II, III”- –The troops of the Battalion then took part in 'Operation Kinihira III' launched on 26th September 2000 aimed at capturing Chavakachcheri

In August 2006 with the commencement of the 'Humanitarian Operation' the Battalion launched its offensive operation to capture the FDL at Muhamalai.


The battalion supported more than 9 major operations / other operations to eradicate the brutal terrorism from 17 August 1987 till the end of Humanitarian Operation. To honor the valiant troops, 04 officers and 05 ORs awarded with Weera Wickrema Vibhushanaya, 38 officers and52 ORs awarded with Rana Wickrema Padakkama and 52 officers and 266 ORs awarded with Rana Sura Padakkama. The gallantry awards have been awarded to Officers and Soldiers of the battalion.

The Names of the Commanding Officers since 2022
S/No  Name From To
1  Maj WMAUK Weerasinghe 2022.11.23 2023.10.09
2  Lt Col WMAUK Weerasinghe 2023.10.10 2024.02.03
3  Maj AMN Wijebandara psc 2024.02.04 2024.02.31
4  Maj PG Niranjan RSP 2024.03.01 Up to now

Contact Details

Address :

4thBattalion the Gajaba Regiment


Fax : 0253778801
Tel : 0253778801