
Gajaba Regiment

Unity is Strength

03rd June 2024 20:24:29 Hours


The 16th Annual General Meeting of the Gajaba Seva Vanitha Branch, an esteemed gathering overseen by Chairperson Mrs. Dilupa Pieris, took place with solemnity and purpose at the Officers’ Mess, Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Light Infantry on May 31, 2024. Esteemed members of the Seva Vanitha Branch Executive Committee and dedicated participants adorned the venue, reflecting the profound commitment to the organization's mission and vision. Throughout the meeting, pivotal decisions were reached, embodying the collective dedication towards progress and welfare enhancement. Among these decisions was the judicious appointment of new executives, meticulously chosen to steer the branch towards a prosperous future. Additionally, meticulous planning for welfare initiatives set for implementation in 2025 underscored the meticulous attention to detail and strategic foresight exhibited by the assembly.

Adding to the event's enriching tapestry was a captivating beauty culture workshop led by the esteemed Mrs. Chandani Bandara. Her expertise illuminated the gathering, offering invaluable insights and practical wisdom to the eager participants.

Moreover, the day's proceedings culminated in a convivial Seva Vanitha get-together, providing an opportunity for camaraderie and fellowship among esteemed members. Noteworthy among the attendees was the esteemed presence of Mrs. Manel Vimalarathne, the revered first President of the Gajaba Seva Vanitha Branch, whose enduring legacy continues to inspire and guide the community towards excellence and service.

Additionally, the Get together event was graced by the presence of Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU), who attended as the chief guest, imparting her invaluable wisdom and encouragement to the attendees, further strengthening the bonds of solidarity and cooperation within the Seva Vanitha community.