
Sri Lanka Armoured Corps

Whither the Fates Call

25th February 2024 12:29:03 Hours


In accordance with the guidance provided by the President Army Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Janaki Liyange, the President Armour Ladies Club, Mrs Samangka Fernando has selected four deserving soldiers to award monetary support. The selected soldiers were presented with the following financial assistance:

a. S/105854 S/Sgt Perera KARS - The Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) is currently facing a lack of assistance to build a house for his family. In response to his request, which was made through his commanding officer, the Army Seva Vanitha Unit has generously approved a sum of Rs 600,000 to aid in initiating the construction work.

b. S/106868 CPL Ranaweera PASP - The monetary support of Rs 450,000 was awarded to complete the construction of his house by Army Seva Vanitha Unit.

c. S/108651 CPL Sisira kumara MC - Armour Ladies Club awarded monetary support of Rs 500,000 to Non-Commissioned Officer to complete the construction of his house.

d. S/108935 L/C Pushpakumara GRS - The father-in-law of the aforementioned Non-Commissioned Officer is currently paralyzed and unable to move independently. In recognition of his condition, he has been awarded Rs 42,000 to purchase a wheelchair, which will greatly assist in improving his mobility and quality of life.