Abeyrathna Banda G H M - 1 SLAC Number: S/97248 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 13/02/1982 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Kurukattuwan

Meadin L H - 1 SLAC Number: S/97644 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 30/08/1986 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast - Kinniya

Jayawickrama H G P - 1 SLAC Number: S/97706 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 30/08/1986 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Kinniya

Jayasooriya J A C K - 1 SLAC Number: S/98144 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 06/03/1987 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast - Kilinochchi

Dharmakeerthi M P I K - 1 SLAC Number: L/Cpl Rank: S/97820 Date of Death: 25/05/1987 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast - Palaly

Dharmawardana K S - 1 SLAC Number: S/100657 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 09/02/1991 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Welioya

Ratnayake D M A N - 1 SLAC Number: S/98746 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 13/03/1991 Reason & Place: Gun Shot- Vavuniya

Lal G P N S - 1 SLAC Number: S/98991 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/08/1991 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Pulukunawa

Priyantha Senavirathne G A - 1 SLAC Number: S/100039 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/08/1991 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast - Pulukunawa

Priyantha Kumara N W S - 1 SLAC Number: S/100099 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/08/1991 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast- Pulukunawa

Prasanna S P - 1 SLAC Number: S/100646 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/08/1991 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Pulukunawa

Nilantha K - 1 SLAC Number: S/100113 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/08/1991 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast - Pulukunawa

Priyankara R M A - 1 SLAC Number: S/100962 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 24/11/1992 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Palaly

Bandara D M C L - 1 SLAC Number: S/102633 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 25/09/1996 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Kayts

Wasantha Kumara P L - 1 SLAC Number: S/102628 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/11/1996 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Kodikamam

Phshpakumar MDN - 1 SLAC Number: S/103508 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 06/10/97 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Thnadikulam

Pathmasiri WAA - 1 SLAC Number: S/102614 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 20/02/1998 Reason & Place: Drawn - Valachchenai

Zoysa P K - 1 SLAC Number: S/103124 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 15/03/1998 Reason & Place: Bomb Blast - Vavuniya

Wijewardana Banda K A G P - 1 SLAC Number: S/102524 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 03/04/1998 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Olumadu

Herath R M R - SLAC Number: S/103929 Rank:L/Cpl Date of Death: 17/03/1999 Reason & Place: Gun Shot - Mannar