
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

Holiday Bungalow - Mullaitivu

Fully air conditioned and well furnished holiday bungalow which consists of 01 Family Bed Room, 01 Double Bed Rooms, 01 Triple Bed Room ,a sitting and dining area with restaurant and bar is suited to accommodate more than ten guests. Officers and other ranks in Sri Lanka Signal Corps as well as other regiments in both Regular and Volunteer Force (Serving and Retired) are eligible to accommodate in this Bungalow. The bungalow is maintained by 1 SLSC.

Details of Holiday Bungalow is as Follows :

Rate Per Day

Type of Bungalow

No of Rooms available

A/C, Non A/C

CATEGORY 1 SLSC Serving/Retired (Rs)

CATEGORY 2 Other Regts Serving/Retired (Rs)

CATEGORY 3 Civlain Guests (Rs)

Family Room 01 Rooms A/C Rs:1500.00 Rs:2000.00 Rs:3000.00
Triple Bed Room 02 Rooms Non - A/C Rs: 1000.00 Rs: 1500.00 Rs: 2000.00

Reservations can be made through following address:

Regt Adjt
Army Cantonment

Front View & Side Views

Dining Room & Bar

Family Room

Triple Bed Room

Double Bed Room