
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

10th November 2023 22:10:50 Hours


In line with the stage 8 of house building project under the concept of Commander of the Army and with the directions of the Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps, a new house, built entirely with the labour assistance of signal troops was handed over to a needy non commissined officer of the regiment on 10th November (Friday) 2023.

The total housing project that costs of 1.5 Million Rupees has been donated by splitting Rs.1,200,000.00 from the Army and Rs.300,000.00 from the contribution from all unit funds. The buliding process was carried out by troops of 1 SLSC under the close supervision of the Commanding Officer of 1 Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps.

Amidst religious observances, the house key was symbolically handed over to the recipient, Staff Sargent Konara KMSC - 1 SLSC and his family by the Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps Major General KAWS Rathnayake ndu who graced the house warming cerenomy as the chief guest.

The event was followed by some traditional rituals of ‘lighting of the oil lamp’ and ‘Kiri Ithireema’ amidst the blessings of the ‘Maha Sanga’.The Regimental Centre Commandant Brigadier AKD Adikari USP, Brig Coord HQ CSO SJKD Jayawardena USP psc, Commandant School Of Signals Colonel MAK Jayawardena psc, Commanding Officer of 1st Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps Major GTK de Silva RSP USP Lsc, Senior Officers, Officers ,Regimental Sargent Major of 1 SLSC and Other Ranks also attended the event.