
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

27th November 2021 08:55:21 Hours


Sri Lanka Signal Corps won Women Championship at the Inter Regiment and Injured War Heroes Chess Championship 2021 of the Sri Lanka Army. Tournament was held on 22 to 25 November at RHQ SLLI Premises.

The prize giving of the Championship 2021 was held at the Gymnasium, Army Cantonement Panagoda . Deputy Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army Major General Maj Gen K N S Kotuwegoda ndc IG graced the prize giving as the Chief Guest and many Senior Officers were invited to witness the closing ceremony.

As the final results of the tournament Signallers secured the Shield of Women’s Championship while seizing the following individual trophies:

Runner Up - Women's Individual – L/Cpl Alwis JIM 11 SLSC

Board Prize (Board 04) Women’s Team – L/Cpl Alwis JIM 11 SLSC

Board Prize (Board 06) Women’s Team – Maj DAN Jayaweera SLSC

Board Prize (Board 05) men’s Team – L/Cpl Rupasinghe EMKM 4 SLSC