
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

12th March 2020 10:36:38 Hours


3rd Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps Ceremoniously celebrated the 31st Anniversary on Monday, 09th March 2020 at the Regiment’s premises in Palaly, Jaffna.

Commencing the Regiment Day’s programme, the unit accorded a ceremonial Guard Turnout to the Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel NPA Mendis psc SLSC on his arrival at the main entrance. Then the Commanding Officer laid a Laurel of Flowers before the Regiment’s Monument in respect of those who have fallen in the name of 3rd Signal Regiment due to operational and non-operational causes that was followed by offering of flowers to the shrine of Sacred Bo Tree near the monument. Then the Commanding Officer was accorded with the traditional ceremonial parade consist of two Squadrons, coincidentally accompanied by the Signals Brass Band.

Highlighting the Anniversary Day, Commanding Officer felicitated two SNCOs in his office who were authorized to wear their new Ranks as Sergeants. Then the newly constructed civil servants’ accommodation was declared open by the Commanding Officer and attended a courtesy tea organized by the civilians in the unit. After that, Commanding Officer inspected the billets of the HQ Squadron, Communication Squadron and Communication Support Squadron.

The Anniversary All Ranks Lunch was then held at the Signalmen’s Mess, during which the Commanding Officer presented trophies for the winners of Inter Squadron Sport Events. Addressing the troops at the end of the formal lunch, Commanding Officer also emphasized the importance of understanding the role and tasks of the Regiment in Security Force (Jaffna) Area of Responsibility and necessity of becoming technically sound Signallers with professional competency to work efficiently in practical scenarios. He also further stressed upon the requirement of maintaining militarized discipline all the time and creating a harmonized working environment that facilitate to be efficient in all conditions.

In the evening on the same day, a special Bodhi Pooja was held near the Regiment’s Buddhist Shrine in merit of all the fallen members of the Regiment that concluded the day’s programme.

3SLSC also conducted a special Pooja at the Mavadipuram Kovil on 04th March 2020 to attain blessings to the Regiment for its future prospect and a Blood Donation Campaign on 05th March 2020. All Ranks Get Together, Officers Get Together and Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess Get Together will be held respectively on 11th, 13th and 14th March 2020.