
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

18th June 2018 15:59:42 Hours


18th Regimental Sergeant Major of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps, WOI M G N Amarasiri retired from the service on 14 June 2018. Appreciating the 22 years of service rendered to the Sri Lanka Signal Corps, Signals Regimental Headquarters bid farewell to its RSM with parade and an All Rank mid-day tea that was organized at the main auditorium of the Signal Regimental Centre with the participation of SLSC senior officers and Other Ranks who are serving in Panagoda and came from different Signal Regiments. At the end of the tea, WO1 Amarasinghe planted a sapling in memory of his tour of duty in the Army. Then, before attending the farewell get together held at the SLSC WOs’ and Sgts’ Mess in the evening, retiring RSM WO1 M G N Amarasinghe and newly appointed RSM WO1 S K Hewage RSP were conducted before the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps Major General B H M A Wijesinghe USP ndu psc to officially hand over the duties.

WOI M G N Amarasinghe is a past student of CWW Kannangara Central College, Mathugama and joined Sri Lanka Army on 17 June 1996. Since then, he served in Army demonstrating his professional competencies in the field of Signals with highest dedication and commitment maintaining a higher status of sense of responsibility in all aspect duties and responsibilities around him. During his service, he has successfully completed the Advanced PTI course, Junior Instructor Course and Drill Instructor course and due to his outstanding performance in the Drill Instructor course, he was selected to follow foreign Drill Instructor course in United Kingdom in 2011 where he achieved a higher grading once again.

During this illustrated career, he also has served as a member of the 17th Battalion of the UN Peacekeeping mission in Haity and as a Drill Instructor at the Sri Lanka Military Academy.