
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

23rd January 2018 15:30:42 Hours


With the arrival of month of celebrations, when entire country is eagerly waiting to celebrate this unique event, Signals Ladies Club too organized a Christmas celebrations in grand scale aiming at disabled war heroes and their families on 21 December 2014. Members of the Signals Ladies Club donated hampers to disable war heroes and give away gifts and sweets to the children those who were present. rnAll participants enjoyed this evening, which ornamented with Christmas carols, fun games and many other attractive events. At the same time Mrs. Sepali Samarasinghe presented a hearing aid to daughter of serving member Ms K H Thilini Madhushika, which was organized by Shyamali Jayarathne, a member of the Signal Seva Vanitha Branch and a teacher of Musaeus College along with the generous contribution of the Welfare Club of Musaeus College. The program windup with a delicious dinner arranged for all participants.rn