
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

22nd July 2020 11:44:08 Hours


Major General WPAK  Thilakarathna psc, Chief Signal Officer of the Sri Lanka Army paid an official visit to 5th Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps on 15 July 2020.

Having inspected the Ceremonial Guard Turnout awarded by the troops of the unit, Chief Signal Officer was warmly welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel DMIS Bandara, the Commanding Officer of 5 SLSC.

The Programme of the day was started by planting a Sapling. After that Chief Signal Officer addressed all Ranks and he outlined what was his vision on the future development of signalers as multi task signalers. Then Commanding Officer presented a memento to Chief Signal Officer on behalf of all Officers and Other Ranks of the unit in order to mark his official visit to the unit. Then newly constructed training lab was opened by the Chief Signal Officer and educated the importance of the training for the future. After the All Ranks tea party, formal briefing was conducted by the Commanding Officer at his office.

Finally, CSO departs by leaving a congratulatory note in the Visitors Book of the 5 SLSC for the job well-done.