
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

23rd January 2018 15:30:39 Hours

Sri Lanka Signal Corps Seva Vanitha Branch donates 1 million to the "Brave Hearts" project.

The Sri Lanka Signal Corps Seva Vanitha Branch on 14th June 2013 offered a contribution the Seva Vanitha Army Branch 'Brave Heart' project by donating a sum of Rs 1 million towards the fast completion of the third wellness resort project for dependent War Heroes ABIMANSALA III at Pangolla. This donation ceremony organized by Army Seva Vanitha Branch, Mrs. Sandamali Abeysekera the chairperson of Signals Seva Vanitha Branch presented the cheque to President Army Seva Vanitha Branch for the value of Rs. 1 million for the use of construction of the "Abimansala - III" wellness resort requirements in progress at Pangolla. Also Signals late Major WMBS Wanninayake, who was killed in action in year 2009, wife received a land at Kottawa worth of Rs. 4 million and cash Rs. 700,000/- to build a house at same land for which Signals Seva Vanitha Branch will contribute the balance money to complete the construction of the house.