25th November 2023 00:00:00 Hours
Sri Lanka Signal Corps organised a get together for retired officers, other ranks and their family members on 25 November 2023 at the Regimental Headquarter premises in Panagoda.
Over a concept of the Chief Signal Officer of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Signal Corps Maj Gen KAWS Ratnayake ndu, the series of events took place with the participation of Maj Gen KRP Rowel Rtd RWP VSV USP ndu USACGSC, the honerable president of the Signal Association and 238 personnel including signal veterans and their beloved family members. The sequence of events commenced unfolding as the Signal Drill Platoon and the Regimental Brass band showcased their exceptional skills in a colourful tatoo at the parade square, which took the pride of the place. After an awaremess video clip on latest developments in the Corps of Signals was a presenting a monetary gift, worth of Rs. 100000.00 by the Signal Association to Warrent Officer II Keerthirathna KIS for his remarkable feat achieved by walking from Point Pedro to Point of Dondra.
Later, the visitors experienced a comprehensive tour inside the Lieutenant Colonel DV Brohier motivation centre, the latest acedmic and monumental inception in the Corps of Signals. Afterwards, the veterens and the family members had the opportunity to involve in fun games at the play ground to entertain themselves. Finally, the days programme culminated as the lunch being served at the auditorium, blended with the glamourous musical extravagance by the signal beat band 'Waves'. Senior officers, officers and other ranks of Sri lanka Signal Corps also attended the event.