
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

21st January 2021 21:57:37 Hours

Retiring CSO Takes Leave of His 3 SLSC Amid Military Honours

3 Sri Lanka Signal Corps Regiment HQ on Sunday (17) bade farewell to the retiring Chief Signal Officer, Major General Adeepa Thilakarathna on his arrival at the Regimental Headquarters in Palaly, Jaffna.

Upon his escorted arrival at the entrance, the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel N.P.A Mendis received the Chief Guest after the traditional ceremonial Guard Turnout before he was ushered to the Regiment’s Monument to pay floral tributes in memory of all fallen Heroes of the Regiment. Later on, he addressed the troops upon the invitation of the Commanding Officer.

At the same venue, Commanding Officer presented a memento to the Chief Signal Officer on behalf of all in the Regiment in appreciation of his notable service, rendered to the Regiment during his tour of duty.

The Chief Signal Officer also planted a sapling to mark his final official visit and enjoyed a courtesy tea at the Officers’ Mess with all Signal Officers serving at the SFHQ-Jaffna.