
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

02nd April 2018 11:46:16 Hours


MUAY BORAN is the name that describes the Thai National Traditional Martial Arts. It is a form of physical and mental discipline, which includes combat on foot that is known as "the art of eight limbs" as it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins and feet, throwing, breaking and is being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fighter extremely effective. MUAY BORAN is arguably one of the most striking national icons of Thailand.

MUAY BORAN syllabus is recognized and reserved as national heritage of Thailand by UNESCO. In times of peace, a system was developed to organize contests to choose the best warriors, who were then selected as the King’s guards. MUAY BORAN was considered primarily as a martial art but it has now been organized as a sport as well, for the purpose of competition and ring fights. As a sport, it is known as MUAY THAI that became widespread internationally in the twentieth century and modern days MUAY THAI is known as a recognized sport worldwide.

In comparison with other martial arts, MUAY THAI indicates the following differences:
- Exclusive use of elbows and knees.
- Throwing, breaking and attacking included.
- Minimum space for maneuvers.
- Prompt action in defence.
- Variety of punches, elbow attacks, kicks, push kicks and knee attacks.
- Easy to learn and practice.
- Ideal for close fighting and self defence.
- Used both as a lethal martial art as well as a sport.
- Equal opportunity for both big / small stature people.

Lieutenant Colonel P P C Perera psc of Sri Lanka Signal Corps who is presently serving as the Commanding Officer 4th Regiment SLSC has become a Master (14 Khan / ARJAN) of martial art MUAY BORAN. To become a Master, it is compulsory to complete both syllabuses of MUAY THAI (Sport) and MUAY BORAN (Martial Art) with utmost dedication over years and years. So far, very few people in the world have reached this status that allows him to conduct examination and to generate students up to the status of Teacher (12 Khan). Some of his highlighted achievements are:

- Master Muay-Thai /Muay-Boran (14 Khan / ARJAN) – by National Cultural Commission, Ministry of Culture Thailand and by Master (Kru) Muay-Thai Association.
- International Judge and Referee.
- Coach –Muay-Thai Army Combat and Self Defense.
- Instructor - Muay Aerobic.
- Completed 3 Layers of Muay-Thai sport curriculum (Advance / Intermediate / Basic) and 3 Layers of Muay-Boran Martial Art curriculum (Advance / Intermediate / Basic).
- Level 2 Coach ( Muay-Chaiya) - Sriwanachaiyarat Camp South Thailand .
- Grade ‘A’ General Fitness Instructor - Sports Ministry Sri Lanka.

After considering the proposal forwarded by Lt Col P P C Perera, the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army has directed to form a separate Committee to administrate this sport thus Muay-Boran / Muay-Thai is considered as the 53rd sport in the Sri Lanka Army. Up to now two courses (80 x students) have successfully completed and the course no 3 is on progress. Other achievements of the Army Muay-Thai Committee up to date is as mentioned below:

- Held Inter Regiment Championship 2017.
- With the invitation of Royal Thai Embassy in Sri Lanka, held 3 x day's exhibition at BMICH in order to commemorate Royal Thai week 2017.
- With the invitation of German Embassy in Sri Lanka, attended for BODO international 3 x days seminar.
- Attended Fighter "Lidsella" seminar organized by National Muay-Thai Federation.
- Took part in Muay-Thai National Tournament 2017 and 9 x male athletes and 5 x female athletes of Army reached final round.

Lt Col P P C Perera,1 x male and 1 x female athletes took part 3rd International & Thai Martial Arts Games and Festival held in Thailand and obtained followings:
- Both male and female athletes obtained International Judge and Referee License.
- Lt Col P P C Perera has become Level 2 Coach for Muay Chaiya style and both male and female athletes obtained Level 1 Coach for Muay Chaiya style.

This is one of the most systematic and scientific Thai traditional martial arts with over 500 years of recorded history and is also known as the most effective form of martial art technique in the world today. It teaches more than physical fighting skills, as it is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing own spiritual aspect and quality of life through training the body and mind. Today, it has become a global sport that has gained international recognition and reputation, and will become a sports event in the Olympic Games in the near future.