
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

28th March 2021 13:32:58 Hours


Brigadier HMLD Herath RSP USP psc, Commander Signal Brigade paid an official visit to 5th Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps on 23 March 2021.

Brigade Commander was accorded with a Ceremonial Guard Turnout conducted by the troops of the unit and warmly welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel DMIS Bandara, Commanding Officer - 5 SLSC.

Then Commander - Signal Brigade sat for a group photograph and participated for a formal briefing conducted by Commanding Officer - 5 SLSC regarding the communication duties performing by 5 SLSC at present.

After that Brigadier HMLD Herath RSP USP psc addressed all Ranks and he outlined what was his vision on the future development of signalers as multi task signalers. Then Commander of the Signal Brigade planted a sapling in front of the newly constructed WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess to mark this official visit.

Later Brigade Commander joined for an all ranks tea party where he shared his thoughts with Officers and Other Ranks.

Before concluding the day’s itinerary, Brigadier HMLD Herath RSP USP psc left couple of thoughts and compliments in the Visitors’ Book.