
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

19th May 2021 14:56:14 Hours


In order to control the spread of COVID 19 within the island, Sri Lanka Army directly involved in the vaccination process with the direction of the Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID 19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army.

Therefore with the close supervision of the Chief Signal Officer, Sri Lanka Army and the Director Information Technology troops of 11 Sri Lanka Signals Corps are providing technical and human resources for this National requirement.

Sri Lanka Signal Corps has been directly involved in this process by administering the COVID 19 vaccine to civilians covering five offices of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Offices in the Colombo Municipal Council area. Furthermore the Officers and Other Ranks in 11 SLSC are also participating in the task of computerizing the immunization details of the civilians.

In addition to that troops of 11 SLSC are involving in computerizing of biometric data of the vaccination process in Gampaha and Kalutara districts too and contributing to the E-Channeling vaccination process which helped to vaccinate large sections of the population in a short period of time.

Thus this limitless dedication to this whole national project has been able to bring a glory to the Sri Lanka Signals Corps and the entire Army.