Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

12th June 2024 14:56:00 Hours


Security Forces Headquarters (West) was officially visited on 11 June 2024, by Major General GMN Perera RWP RSP USP ndc, Quarter Master General, and Major General AK Rajapaksa RSP, Master General Ordnance. Major General SWM Fernando WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc, the Commander Security Forces (West), extended a hearty greeting to the Principal Staff Officers.

The day's proceedings commenced with a warm welcome speech by Major General SWM Fernando WWV RWP RSV USP ndc psc, the Commander Security Forces (West), to the Quarter Master General and Master General Ordinance upon their arrival at the Security Force Headquarters (West). The conference's first session was dedicated to the Quarter Master General branch, and the second session focused on the Master General Ordinance. The discussions were fruitful, addressing all significant and outstanding issues related to the administrative and quartering branches. The exchange of ideas for enhancing officers' knowledge in administrative and logistical domains was particularly enlightening.

As a token of appreciation for their visit, Master General Ordnance and the Quarter Master General were presented with unique mementos by Commander Security Force (West). Before their departure, the visiting officers graciously left some kind words in the visitors' book, further cementing the respect and value they hold in our organization.

The General Officer Commanding of 61 Infantry Division, General Officer Commanding 14 Infantry Division, Deputy General Officer Commanding 14 Infantry Division, Logistic Commander Security Forces (West), Brigadier General Staff of Security Forces (West), Brigade Commanders of 141, 142, 143, 144, 611, 612, 613 Infantry Brigades, Brigadier Admin & Quartering Security Forces (West), Senior Staff Officers of Security Forces (West), Colonel Admin and Quartering of under command Infantry Divisions, and Commanding Officers of Affiliated and Logistics Battalions, Infantry Brigade's Major Admin and Quartering, participated in the conference.