Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

03rd June 2024 16:59:01 Hours


Under the direction of the Commander Security Forces (West) Major General SWM Fernando WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc, with the guidance of the General Officer Commanding 14 Infantry Division and the close supervision of the Commanders of 141, 142, 143, and 144 Infantry Brigades joined hands with the Divisional Secretariat, Disaster Management Center, and Police officials for evacuation, relief, and relocation of stranded people who were affected by floods due to the heavy rains and floods that affected the Colombo district since 01 June 2024.

In Colombo District, Kaduwela, Kohilawatta, Labugama, and Puwakpitiya Divisional Secretariat areas were heavily affected by the floods. Troops from 5 Field Sri Lanka Engineers, 14 Field Sri Lanka Engineers, 1 Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry, 5 Sri Lanka Signal Corps, 4 Engineer Service Regiment, and 2(V) Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry were able to transport personnel, providing foods, removing fallen trees and debris, assisting in protecting of household items, houses, and buildings and ensuring the continuation of essential services in the area. The troops have been working diligently to assist government agencies in their smooth functioning and help the community survive the disaster.

The concerted efforts of all troops have demonstrated a remarkable commitment to addressing the urgent needs of those impacted by the recent flooding. Moving forward, we remain dedicated to providing ongoing support and assistance as communities work towards recovery and resilience.