Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

19th June 2023 17:32:05 Hours


The Sri Lanka Army's engineering and technical prowess as well as its all-time readiness to perform nation-building tasks at any given time came to light on 16 June 2023, once again when 12 Engineer Services Regiment troops on the directions of the Commander of the Army undertook to erect a much-needed two storey building for students at Ilukpitiya Kanishta (Junior) Vidyalaya, situated in Ilukpitiya, Kotapola in Matara District.

During a simple ceremony, the Chief Guest for the occasion, Mr Sagala Ratnayaka, Chief of Staff and Senior Adviser to the President on National Security, together with Hon. Kanchana Wijesekera, Minister of Power and Energy of Sri Lanka, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, Mr Amanda Weerasinghe of the Old Boys' Association of Colombo Royal College-(1981 Batch) and Mr. A.G.N.C Lakmal, Principal of Ilukpitiya Kanishta Vidyalaya amid chanting of 'Seth Pirith' by members of the Maha Sangha laid maiden cornerstones for the erection of the building at the auspicious minute.

The 1981 batch of the Colombo Royal College's Old Boys' Association has volunteered to foot the cost of the proposed two storey building considering the pressing need of the school, being one of the most popular junior schools in the area through the coordination of Mr Amanda Weerasinghe, a senior member of the Colombo Royal College (81 Batch).

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army on the request of Mr. A.G.N.C Lakmal, Principal Ilukpitiya Kanishta Vidyalaya instructed the Director General Engineer Service, Major General K.M.S Kumara, to undertake the project for the greater benefit of the student community in the area with his 12 Engineer Services Regiment troops.

Major General M.K Jayawardane RSP VSV USP ndu, Commander of Security Forces - Mullaitivu,Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Engineers , Major General H.M.U Herath RWP RSP VSV USP Hdmc psc, General Officer Commanding of the 61 Infantry Division, Major General J.A.R.S.K Jayasekara USP psc, Director General of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Brigadier D.C.A Wickramasinghe, USP USACGSC Deputy Vice Chancellor (Defence & Administration) at Kotelawala Defence University were also among the invitees to the inaugural ceremony.

After a while, all the distinguished invitees moved into the school’s main hall and joined the distribution of essential school accessories to 192 deserving students learning in the same school as incentives for studies. Mr Prasad Lokubalasooriya, a philanthropist and an active social service activist of the Colombo Royal College sponsored the stock of those school accessories.

Afterwards, Mr Sagala Ratnayaka, Chief of Staff and Senior Adviser to the President on National Security made a brief address to the students and highlighted the importance of studies to overcome 21st century challenges in the face of fast developing technological innovations and reforms. The Principal towards the end of the day's proceedings delivered the vote of thanks and commended the sponsors and the Army for being so considerate towards this requirement of the school.

61 Infantry Division troops of the Security Force HQ-West assisted the organizational aspect of the day's inaugural project under the guidance of the General Officer Commanding and the 613 Brigade Commander.