Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

06th May 2023 10:41:32 Hours


Troops of the 2 (V) Sri Lanka Army Service Corps of the 141 Infantry Brigade, in the aftermath of the afternoon 05 May 2023, emergency flood evacuation operations in Katuwapitiya and Sellakanda Grama Niladhari divisions in Negombo, took immediate steps to provide about 400 cooked meal packets among hundreds of flood-affected families.

After torrential rains hit those areas by 05 May 2023, afternoon hours, troops swiftly responded and evacuated adults, patients and the worst-affected to safe locations within hours while flood water levels in those inundated areas were rapidly swelling, compelling many of them to abandon their homes or move into higher elevations inside their homes for safety.

Troops concerned about their unexpected predicament took steps to get them 50 lunch packets by noon. However, as water levels continued to rise, troops prepared 350 more dinner packets for the evening and delivered them to their residences, irrespective of the threats posed to them by swelling flood waters.

Earlier on the day, three Officers and 23 Other Ranks evacuated more than 20 victims stranded due to swelling flood water levels and removed them to safe locations. Ten more were facilitated in the Negombo Grand Mosque.

Major General D.M.K.D.B Pussella RWP RSP, Commander Security Forces (West), together with Major General J.N.R.N.K Jayamanna RWP, General Officer Commanding, 14 Infantry Division and Brigadier L.G.B Kariyawasam RWP RSP USP, Commander, 141 Infantry Brigade, provided the necessary guidelines for emergency rescue and relief operations.

In addition, Lieutenant Colonel R.A Udaratage, Commanding Officer, 2 (V) Sri Lanka Army Service Corps, supervised the troops engaged in emergency evacuation and relief work.