Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

29th March 2021 13:21:29 Hours


Sri Lanka Army in its long journey added another milestone to its annals of history by releasing its 'Capstone Doctrine’. Accordingly, as per the directions given by the Army Training Command (ARTRAC) and with the supervision of the Commander Security Forces (West) Major General K W R de Abrew RWP RSP USP psc Hdmc, a lecture on the 'Sri Lanka Army Capstone Doctrine' complied by the Army Training Command (ARTRAC) was conducted at the RHQ SLLI auditorium at Panagoda on Friday (26).

A comprehensive lecture on the newly authored 'Capstone Doctrine' was conducted by Colonel Strategic and Doctrine Lieutenant Colonel DLUDE Thabbro RWP RSP USP psc. Further he explained how it should be put into action within the Army.

Many senior officers including Brigadier General Staff Brigadier R W Ponnamperuma RSP psc, Center Commmadant Sri Lanka Artilary Brigadier H G P M Kariyawasam RSP psc IG along with 193 officers serving in SF - West AOR attended the programme.