Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:29 Hours

Fallen 123 Civil Employees in the Army Transferred Merits in Special \'Pinkama\'

An all-night Pirith chanting ceremony and offer of alms to 123 Buddhist monks at Panagoda Sri Bodhirajaramaya (Army Temple) (March 31 - April 1) transferred merits to 123 Civil Employees of the Army who laid their lives alongside Army personnel during the battle for peace before May 2009 and invoked blessings on 16 disabled Civil Employees for speedy recovery.\r\n\r\nFriday (31) evening’s Pirith chanting ceremony attached greater importance with the presence of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Forces - West representing the Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest for the occasion, following the invitation extended by Directorate of Civil Administration in the Army.\r\n\r\nMembers of the Maha Sangha participating in the Pirith chanting ceremony were conducted to the octagon, Pirith Mandapaya in a colourful procession, comprised of flag bearers and dancers.\r\n\r\nMajor General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Forces - West afterwards in keeping with age-old traditions offered the tray of betel (Deheth Wattiya) to members of the Maha Sangha, seated in the Pirith Mandapaya, inviting them to commence chanting until the following morning (1, April) after the relic casket was placed and offerings made.\r\n\r\nAn Anushasana (oration) delivered by Ven Dr Kirinde Assaji Thero, Incumbent, Gangaramaya Temple on behalf of the Maha Sangha spoke high of the Army’s arrangement in this connection and appreciated the services, rendered by those fallen Civil Employees while the war for peace was raging. Monks also bestowed merits on them and wished speedy recovery to all 16 disabled Civil Employees of the Army by invoking blessings.\r\n\r\nNext of kin of fallen Civil Employees, family members and disabled Civil Employees, serving Civil Employees, together with their family members at the invitation of Mr L.D.C Mahanama, Director of Civil Administration of the Army took part in the ceremonies.\r\n\r\nDirectorate of Civil Administration, together with the support of the Sri Lanka Army Buddhist Association organized the religious ceremony as an annual event.\r\n\r\nVen. Ketapola Dhammarathana Thero, Incumbent, Kolamediriya Temple, Bandaragama delivered a special oration at the alms-giving ceremony on Saturday (1) where merits were transferred again and blessings invoked.