Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:29 Hours

Psychological Impact at Salawa Evaluated

A programme to evaluate the psychological impact on the youth community after the recent Salawa explosion was launched by the Directorate of Psychological Operations in close cooperation with the Seethawaka Divisional Secretariat on Monday (19). The programme got underway on the directions of the Lieutenant General Crishanthe De Silva, Commander of the Army and under the supervision of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Forces - West. Lieutenant Colonel A. T. S Ariyarathne and Lieutenant Colonel J. A. U. J. P Jayasooriya, Clinical Counsellors of Directorate of Preventive Medicine and Mental Health Services delivered lectures during the programme. Directorate of Preventive Medicine and Mental Health Services mapped out the programme which was meant to address psychological complications, if any found among the children and youth in the area after the blast. Sensitive youths of the area enjoyed the programme which covered their aspirations on light skill development, stress management, preventive measures from alcohol and mental relaxation exercises, etc. Mr M.M.S.K Bandara Mapa, Divisional Secretary of Seethawaka, officers, other ranks, members of Seethawaka Divisional Secretariat, youths and villagers also attended the progamme.