Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:26 Hours

58 Division New GOC Assumes Duties

58 Division New GOC Assumes Duties\\r\\n7th September 2016\\r\\n\\r\\nMajor General W.B.M.A.W.N Ranawana, the new General Officer Commanding (GOC) in the 58 Division assumed duties as the 9th GOC on 30 August.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe newly appointed GOC assumed the office during a ceremony at the 58 Division Headquarters in Boossa, Galle.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe new GOC was treated a Guard Turn out and the Guard of Honour on arrival at 58 Division premises.\\r\\n\\r\\nLater he spoke to all officers and other ranks separately. He also left his signature in the VIP book in the 58 Division Headquarters office.\\r\\n\\r\\nA common tea party culminated the day’s proceedings. \\r\\n