Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:22 Hours

The Honest Act By A Non Commissioned Officer

Lance Corporal Perera LJ (3 SLCMP) attached to provost Company, Security Force Headquarters (West) has found a misplaced wallet near the other ranks married quarters in Army Cantonment Panagoda. In tern NCO has handed over the wallet to the Provost Company, SLCMP to find the real owner of the wallet and hand it over. After inspecting and checking the wallet, it was found that Rs. 28,300/=, Sri Lanka Driving License, Sri Lanka Army Driving License, National and Sri Lanka Army Identity Cards and few important items were in it. Short while ago Officer Commanding, Provost Company - SLCMP Maj Eranga Nerangama along with his staff managed to find the real owner of the wallet. The wallet was handed over to it’s owner Lance Corporal Pushpakumara KAI, of 7 SLE by Lance Corporal Perera LJ in the presence of Security Force Commander Maj Gen Sudantha Ranasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc at his Office. Security Force Commander deeply appreciated the honest act by the Lance Corporal Perera LJ (3 SLCMP) setting a best example to other soldiers.