Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:22 Hours

Army Learn More on ‘Waste Management & Pollution Control\'

In order to educate senior officers serving all formations under the Security Force Headquarters-West (SFHQ-West), an awareness programme on ‘Waste Management & Pollution Control’ was held at the SFHQ-West conference hall on Monday (25) under the directions of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, SFHQ-West.\r\n\r\nMr. Shaman Madurawala, together with Mr Indika De Alwis, Head of Sales, M/S Boston Devices (Pvt) Ltd conducted the programme which covered environmental friendly, cost effective and technologically advanced waste management & pollution control solutions which comply with the global and local environmental laws and regulations.\r\n\r\nMajor General Ranasinghe, together with senior officers of several formations of the SFHQ-West attended the programme.