Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

SFHQ- West Celebrates Its Third Anniversary

Troops of the Security Force Headquarters West (SFHQ- West) marked their third anniversary with a series of programmes on the instructions of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe , Commander SFHQ- West on Monday (16). The Commander SFHQ- West was honoured in a Guard Turnout by the troops of Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE) at the entrance as a formality. Troop address and an all rank tea brought the morning session of the anniversary celebrations to an end. Commencing the second segment of the event with a Dhamma sermon (Dharmadeshana) at 7.00 p.m. conducted by Venerable Galigamuwe Gnanadeepa Thera, chief incumbent at Sri Sadaham Padanama - Athurugiriya, the Security Force Commander, all Officers and other ranks in the Headquarters attended the religious observances. The SFHQ - West was established in early 1968 as a Brigade and subsequently it was renamed as the Western Command in 1971 and as the Support Force Command in 1980. Later it was reorganized as the 1 Division in 1988 and as the 11 Division in 1997. However, with the expansion of the Army, it was formed to be a Security Force Headquarters and named as the Security Force Headquarters - South. Afterwards, the same SFHQ was renamed as the Security Force Headquarters - West on 15 Nov 2012.