Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

Chinese Delegate Visits SFHQ West

The Chinese military delegation, comprised of 32 members of the National Defence University (NDU) of the China\'s People\'s Liberation Army (PLA) currently in Sri Lanka on a 3 day long tour visited the Security Force Headquarters-West (SFHQ – West) on Monday (16) afternoon to be received by its Commander. The delegation, headed by Lieutenant General Wu Jieming was warmly welcomed by Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander of SFHQ - West, together with several other senior officers on arrival at Panagoda SFHQ-West office premises. Afterwards, a power point presentation on the SFHQ West and its current roles and tasks, was conducted by the Commander of the SFHQ - West, assisted by another senior officer in order to educate the delegation. Towards the end of the formal meeting, an exchange of mementos as tokens of goodwill took place between the Commander of SFHQ - West and the visiting senior officers.