Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

Another Nature Conservation Awareness Programme Conducted

Security Force Headquarters (West) conducted another awareness programme on tree Planting Project in relation to nature conservation programme at 143 Brigade Headquarters, Putlam on 19 Oct 2015 for its under command troops. The Nature Conservation Project initiated by Sri Lanka Army, with the aim of beautify the environment conserving and increasing the greenery forest areas as well as develop the coastal belt of Sri Lanka in Western, North Western, Sothern and Sabaragamuwa provinces.\r\n\r\n In that, 100.000 plants of more than 250 varieties will be planted in selected locations within the above provinces including the coastal belt area. This project will help to increase the greenery areas by growing the forest and surroundings which, beautifying the environment and also protect the coastal belt while safeguard and improve the ecosystem which drastically pollute day by day due to the exhaust carbon monoxide and reduce of forest areas.\r\n\r\nA series of successful awareness programmes on nature conservation Project, were conducted by SF HQ (West) in its\' AOR. During the awareness programmes a printed poster, depicts \"WHAT A TREE COULD DO ?\" were distributed to the establishments as well as among the participants to promote the project. Posters were sponsored by the National Development Bank PLC which always in conjunction with the Army.