Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

Farewell Dinner to Outgoing Commander

A farewell dinner was hosted to felicitate outgoing Security Force Commander Maj Gen U A B Medawela RSP VSP USP ndu psc. It was held at Laya Beach-Wadduwa with the participation of all staff Offs of Security Force Headquarters (West). In that, the Outgoing Commander was warmly welcomed by the Brig MAAD Sirinaga (BAQ) and Brig J Thanthiriwatta RWP (BGS) on his arrival. The thanking speech was delivered by the Brig MAAD Sirinaga followed by a slide show dipecting his dedicated service and great involvement to the military as well as to the country. He initiated many events in conjunction with much civil society. He was presented a memento as a token of appreciation and it was presented by Brig MAAD Sirinaga to appreciate his tremendous service rendered as a Security Force Commander (west) from 26th May 2015 to 17 Oct 2015 as a role module great Commander.